By Cody Moya - New edition of Business and Marketing Tips eZine (
1. Don't load your web site with a lot of high tech
clutter. Your visitors may miss your whole sales
2. Don't use unnecessary words or phrases on your
site. You only have so much time to get your visitor's
attention and interest; make ever word count.
3. Don't make the mistake that everyone will totally
understand your web site message. Use descriptive
words and examples to get your point across.
4. Don't write your strongest point or benefit only
once. You should repeat it at least 3 times because
some people may miss it.
5. Don't push all your words together on your web
site. People like to skim; use plenty of headings
and sub headings.
6. Don't use site content your target audience isn't
interested in. If people are coming to your site to
find info about fishing don't include soccer content.
7. Don't use 50 different content formats all over
your web site. Use the same fonts, text sizes, text
colors, etc.
8. Don't use words your web site visitors might not
understand. People are not going to stop and look
in a dictionary, they will just go to another site.
9. Don't let selling words and phrases go unnoticed.
Highlight important words and phrases with color,
bolding, italics, underlining, etc.
10. Don't forget to use words that create emotion.
All people have emotions, people will have more
interest when they are emotionally attached.
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Jangan Potong Q !
Q atau Queue adalah istilah Bahasa Inggeris yang bermaksud barisan seperti barisan kereta di jalanan atau barisan orang ramai untuk menaiki bas.
Tujuan laman ini ialah untuk mendidik masyarakat supaya tidak mengamalkan budaya memotong Q. Jika anda ingin turut sama dalam usaha ini, hebahkanlah laman web ini. Emailkan kepada kawan-kawan atau letakkan link ke laman ini di laman web anda. Diharapkan ramai orang akan terdidik apabila membaca mesej yang amat mudah di laman web ini - Jangan Potong Q. Terima kasih.
JanganPotongQ :
Tujuan laman ini ialah untuk mendidik masyarakat supaya tidak mengamalkan budaya memotong Q. Jika anda ingin turut sama dalam usaha ini, hebahkanlah laman web ini. Emailkan kepada kawan-kawan atau letakkan link ke laman ini di laman web anda. Diharapkan ramai orang akan terdidik apabila membaca mesej yang amat mudah di laman web ini - Jangan Potong Q. Terima kasih.
JanganPotongQ :
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
Why "submitting" your site to Google does NOT work!
By Derek Gehl
This week I want to demystify another Google idiosyncrasy...
If you go to, you'll find a nice little page where Google lets you submit your URL to be reviewed -- and if all goes well, you will be listed in their database under the keywords you've optimized your website for.
So it only seems logical to go to this page and submit your site when you want to get listed in Google's database, right?
Unfortunately, "logic" and "Google" don't always go hand in hand. The fact is, if you optimize your website and submit it to Google, your chances of showing up in their database any time in the next century is slim to none!
However, all is not lost! There are some little-known SEO strategies that will help you get listed in Google as quickly as possible. And today I'm going to tell you what they are.
Now, for the following strategies to make sense, you need to shift the way you think about "Search Engine Submission.
"In the past, all you needed to do was go to the search engine and fill out a submission form, then the search engine would send its "spiders" to your website to review your content and index it accordingly. That's how it still works for many of the smaller search engines -- but not for Google.
These days, in order to get your site listed in Google, you don't want to submit your website directly to Google. Instead, you want Google's spiders to "stumble" across your website on their travels through the Web.
But you don't have to sit back and wait helplessly for the spiders to come!
By putting links to your site on high-traffic web pages, you can make sure that Google finds your site in a matter of weeks -- instead of months.
This doesn't mean you should put your URL all over random websites on the Internet. In fact, if Google finds a link to your website on a web page that's using malicious SEO strategies, it can actually do you more harm than good.
So your goal is to find websites that have what in the SEO world is called "High Authority" and to get your site listed on their site.
What is the easiest way to identify a High Authority sites? Simple... PageRank. The higher the PageRank a site has, the more value you'll get from a link at that site.
Where do you find these elusive "High Authority" sites, so you can get yourself listed on them? Well, here are a few places to start:
1. Submit your site to the top Web Directories
Best of the Web
Go Guides
GimpsyAll of these directories (except DMOZ), do charge a submission fee, but it is typically money well spent. (*For the complete list of the Web's top directories, click here now to check out our Search Marketing Labs.)
2. Write quality articles and then submit them to the Web's top article directories
This week I want to demystify another Google idiosyncrasy...
If you go to, you'll find a nice little page where Google lets you submit your URL to be reviewed -- and if all goes well, you will be listed in their database under the keywords you've optimized your website for.
So it only seems logical to go to this page and submit your site when you want to get listed in Google's database, right?
Unfortunately, "logic" and "Google" don't always go hand in hand. The fact is, if you optimize your website and submit it to Google, your chances of showing up in their database any time in the next century is slim to none!
However, all is not lost! There are some little-known SEO strategies that will help you get listed in Google as quickly as possible. And today I'm going to tell you what they are.
Now, for the following strategies to make sense, you need to shift the way you think about "Search Engine Submission.
"In the past, all you needed to do was go to the search engine and fill out a submission form, then the search engine would send its "spiders" to your website to review your content and index it accordingly. That's how it still works for many of the smaller search engines -- but not for Google.
These days, in order to get your site listed in Google, you don't want to submit your website directly to Google. Instead, you want Google's spiders to "stumble" across your website on their travels through the Web.
But you don't have to sit back and wait helplessly for the spiders to come!
By putting links to your site on high-traffic web pages, you can make sure that Google finds your site in a matter of weeks -- instead of months.
This doesn't mean you should put your URL all over random websites on the Internet. In fact, if Google finds a link to your website on a web page that's using malicious SEO strategies, it can actually do you more harm than good.
So your goal is to find websites that have what in the SEO world is called "High Authority" and to get your site listed on their site.
What is the easiest way to identify a High Authority sites? Simple... PageRank. The higher the PageRank a site has, the more value you'll get from a link at that site.
Where do you find these elusive "High Authority" sites, so you can get yourself listed on them? Well, here are a few places to start:
1. Submit your site to the top Web Directories
- Google is constantly scanning the top Web directories to see what new sites they have listed. If they find your website in one of these directories, there's a good chance they'll add it to their own listings.
- Google's assumption is simply that if a human reviewed your website and placed it in their directory, then it must be good.
- Here are just a few of the top directories to start with:
Best of the Web
Go Guides
2. Write quality articles and then submit them to the Web's top article directories
- Just make sure you include a link that leads back to your own website. A great place to do this is in an "About the Author" blurb at end of the article.
- The beauty of this strategy is, not only will you get a link pointing to your site from the article directory, if anyone decides to post your article on their site as well, you'll get even more links!
- If you know of any high-traffic websites that are popular with your target market, you should contact them directly and offer to write an original article full of great content they can post on their site. Chances are they'll go for it -- most webmasters understand the value of regularly posting fresh new content on their sites!
- This is a great free way to get more links pointing back to your site. All you have to do is include a link to your site in your signature block, and then post away!
- Note: Google doesn't take links in blog comments into account when it's determining your PageRank. However, its spiders will follow such links to see where they lead -- so if your primary goal is simply to get indexed by Google, this is an excellent strategy.
- If you do these three things, you will dramatically increase your chance of getting your site listed in Google in as short a time as possible. You can even use these strategies to dramatically increasing the rankings of an existing website!
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
So many opportunities, so little time!
By Derek Gehl
Last week I talked about entrepreneurs who subconsciously fear success and constantly prevent themselves from achieving it.
Well this week I'm going to address one more success killer that plagues so many aspiring entrepreneurs. This success killer is what I call "So many opportunities, so little time" syndrome.
As an entrepreneur you always have your eyes open for a good opportunity. It's in your blood. You can't pass up a good opportunity that could be the next big thing, right?
Now at first glance, this may seem like a good problem to have. Well it is, but it does present a significant problem and the problem is simply this:
If you constantly chase after EVERY opportunity that comes your way, you will spread yourself too thin and you will never fully see any of the opportunities through to completion and success!
Does this sound familiar?
How many websites have you partly completed before you moved on to the next potential opportunity? How many products have you started to sell before you were attracted to another? How many business opportunities have you bought into but never seen through to completion?
It's a curse that plagues many of us... but fortunately it is easily controlled, as long as you are conscious of it.
The fact is, my most successful students have picked an idea and stuck it through. They did their homework to make sure they had a viable business idea and then they focused... and focused... and focused... and they did not stop until they found success.
Now there is a point where an idea just does not make sense to pursue any longer, and unfortunately there's no magic formula to dictate when to move to the next opportunity. I know people who have hit bankruptcy, not given up, and still brought their idea to fruition and made a fortune. When to abandon an idea is really up to you.
On the other hand, you don't want to miss a great opportunity that could be bigger than what you have, and you need to always "consider" every option.
But at the end of the day my advice is this: Pick your business and stick it out. Successful businesses do not happen overnight. The grass will look greener with the next opportunity on more than one occasion, but looks are not everything.
Focus, perseverance, and patience are key. Apply them generously to an opportunity you're pursuing and success will come.
Last week I talked about entrepreneurs who subconsciously fear success and constantly prevent themselves from achieving it.
Well this week I'm going to address one more success killer that plagues so many aspiring entrepreneurs. This success killer is what I call "So many opportunities, so little time" syndrome.
As an entrepreneur you always have your eyes open for a good opportunity. It's in your blood. You can't pass up a good opportunity that could be the next big thing, right?
Now at first glance, this may seem like a good problem to have. Well it is, but it does present a significant problem and the problem is simply this:
If you constantly chase after EVERY opportunity that comes your way, you will spread yourself too thin and you will never fully see any of the opportunities through to completion and success!
Does this sound familiar?
How many websites have you partly completed before you moved on to the next potential opportunity? How many products have you started to sell before you were attracted to another? How many business opportunities have you bought into but never seen through to completion?
It's a curse that plagues many of us... but fortunately it is easily controlled, as long as you are conscious of it.
The fact is, my most successful students have picked an idea and stuck it through. They did their homework to make sure they had a viable business idea and then they focused... and focused... and focused... and they did not stop until they found success.
Now there is a point where an idea just does not make sense to pursue any longer, and unfortunately there's no magic formula to dictate when to move to the next opportunity. I know people who have hit bankruptcy, not given up, and still brought their idea to fruition and made a fortune. When to abandon an idea is really up to you.
On the other hand, you don't want to miss a great opportunity that could be bigger than what you have, and you need to always "consider" every option.
But at the end of the day my advice is this: Pick your business and stick it out. Successful businesses do not happen overnight. The grass will look greener with the next opportunity on more than one occasion, but looks are not everything.
Focus, perseverance, and patience are key. Apply them generously to an opportunity you're pursuing and success will come.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
How to get more from what you've already got!
By Derek Gehl
In order to make your business more successful, you have three options:
1. Get more customers
2. Sell your products for more money
3. Sell more products to the customers you are already have
I don't mean to oversimplify, but really, that's all there is to it. If you get more customers, your sales go up. If you can sell your products for more money today than you did yesterday -- and still ship the same number of units -- you'll make more money.
And finally, if you can sell more products to your existing customer base, you'll make more money.
Whenever I analyze a business that's doing well but could be doing better, I start by determining how well it's doing in each of these three areas.
Is it doing everything it can to get more customers? Is it charging as much as it could be for the products it is selling? Is it making the most of the lifetime value of its existing customers?
Very rarely do I find businesses that are performing to their utmost capability in one of these areas -- let alone all three.
So, where should you start?
Look at these three areas of business, then pick the one that has the most potential to boost your revenues right now. I suggest you focus on the one that's currently most neglected because typically that's where you'll get the highest return for the amount of time you invest.
Once you choose the area you want to focus on first, here are some growth strategies for you to try out...
The bottom line is this: Out of the three core strategies to grow your business, figure out which one holds the most opportunity for your business and start there.
Keep focused, apply the strategies I mentioned and your profits will grow! I promise!
All the best..
In order to make your business more successful, you have three options:
1. Get more customers
2. Sell your products for more money
3. Sell more products to the customers you are already have
I don't mean to oversimplify, but really, that's all there is to it. If you get more customers, your sales go up. If you can sell your products for more money today than you did yesterday -- and still ship the same number of units -- you'll make more money.
And finally, if you can sell more products to your existing customer base, you'll make more money.
Whenever I analyze a business that's doing well but could be doing better, I start by determining how well it's doing in each of these three areas.
Is it doing everything it can to get more customers? Is it charging as much as it could be for the products it is selling? Is it making the most of the lifetime value of its existing customers?
Very rarely do I find businesses that are performing to their utmost capability in one of these areas -- let alone all three.
So, where should you start?
Look at these three areas of business, then pick the one that has the most potential to boost your revenues right now. I suggest you focus on the one that's currently most neglected because typically that's where you'll get the highest return for the amount of time you invest.
Once you choose the area you want to focus on first, here are some growth strategies for you to try out...
- 1. To get more customers:
a. Increase your organic search engine rankings
b. Get more traffic through the pay-per-click search engines
c. Start an affiliate program
d. Joint venture with complementary businesses
- 2. To sell your product for more money:
a. Simply test an increase in price (try a simply 5 - 10% increase -- you may be surprised).
b. If you increase your price and your sales drop to the point that you're making less money, then write better salescopy to support the new price and try testing again. - (FACT: The more value you build in your salescopy the more you can sell your product for!)
- 3. To sell more products to your existing customers:
a. Find other products your customers are looking for and find a way to sell them by...
- Developing the product yourself.
- Finding another website that sells the product and sign up as an affiliate.
- Find a drop shipper that has the product you want
b. Utilize email marketing to stay in touch with your customers, build a strong relationship with them, and sell more products over time.
The bottom line is this: Out of the three core strategies to grow your business, figure out which one holds the most opportunity for your business and start there.
Keep focused, apply the strategies I mentioned and your profits will grow! I promise!
All the best..
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Gerak Usahawan Nasional 2007
Tema : Pengembangan Dan Pemantapan Rantaian
Tarikh : 25 - 26 Ogos
Masa : 9.00 pagi - 6.00 petang
Tempat : Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC)Kuala Lumpur
Di Rasmikan : Y.A.B. Dato' Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi(Perdana Menteri Malaysia)
Tarikh : 25 - 26 Ogos
Masa : 9.00 pagi - 6.00 petang
Tempat : Pusat Dagangan Dunia Putra (PWTC)Kuala Lumpur
Di Rasmikan : Y.A.B. Dato' Seri Abdullah Haji Ahmad Badawi(Perdana Menteri Malaysia)
Usahawan, Bakal Usahawan, Siswazah, Pesara dan orang ramai dijemput menyertai program ini.
Sesi Klinik dan Konsultansi:
Ianya merupakan sesi bagi pengunjung mendapatkan maklumat terperinci, khidmat nasihat, bimbingan secara personal serta menyelesaikan masalah mereka dengan agensi yang berkaitan. Setiap bahagian dan agensi yang mengambil bahagian akan menugaskan pegawai mereka untuk melayan pengunjung yang memerlukan perkhidmatan di booth mereka. Satu ruang runding cara yang bersesuaian akan disediakan untuk tujuan tersebut. Pada masa yang sama mereka dapat mempromosikan program dan aktiviti mereka kepada umum.
Bengkel-bengkel semasa Gerak Usahawan Nasional:
1. Bengkel "Strategi Pemasaran & Promosi Yang Berkesan Dan Kos Efektif"
2. Bengkel "Peluang Perniagaan: Contract Farming & Contract Manufacturing"
3. Bengkel "Melipatkangandakan Keuntungan Melalui Peningkatan Produk"
4. Bengkel "Sumber-sumber Pembiayaan Memula dan Mengembangkan Perniagaan"
5. Peluang-Peluang Perniagaan Melalui Koperasi
6. Sesi Bersama Tokoh Usahawan Ternama
1. Bengkel "Strategi Pemasaran & Promosi Yang Berkesan Dan Kos Efektif"
2. Bengkel "Peluang Perniagaan: Contract Farming & Contract Manufacturing"
3. Bengkel "Melipatkangandakan Keuntungan Melalui Peningkatan Produk"
4. Bengkel "Sumber-sumber Pembiayaan Memula dan Mengembangkan Perniagaan"
5. Peluang-Peluang Perniagaan Melalui Koperasi
6. Sesi Bersama Tokoh Usahawan Ternama
7. Sesi Bersama Dr. Irfan Khairi
Syarikat-syarikat yang ingin mencari pengedar, stokis atau ejen perniagaan sertailah sebagai pemamer.
Tempat Adalah Terhad.Berdasarkan, Siapa Cepat Dia Dapat
Sila klik kanan mouse untuk memuat turun borang berikut:
Borang Penyertaan Bengkel Gerak Usahawan Nasional 2007
Borang Penyertaan Pemamer Gerak Usahawan Nasional 2007
Borang Penyertaan Bengkel Gerak Usahawan Nasional 2007
Borang Penyertaan Pemamer Gerak Usahawan Nasional 2007
Friday, July 06, 2007
Understanding the Rich and How You Can Be One Too

“Think and Grow Rich”. This will be the theme for the fifth Berita Harian Financial Planning Conference to be held on July 15, 2007, Sunday, at the Raffles City Convention Centre, Singapore from 8.30am – 6.00pm.
Speaker Profiles
Irfan Khairi is one of the latest Malaysian millionaires to explode into the scene. A graduate from Staffordshire University, UK, he coaches and trains people to build home based businesses - all from the comfort of his home!
At only 25, he made his first million selling his products and services, which he developed himself. Before he started his own Internet business, he was already working in Netmedia (UK) Ltd - one of the largest IT companies in Birmingham as a multimedia consultant and system developer. He was part of the team that created the Learning Grid , an internet learning system used by over 5,000 schools across the UK.
Later on, he decided to try his luck in starting a part time business - and he found out that he could make more money with it! So he quit his job, put 100% into his business and within 3 years, he earned RM 1 million net profit without workers. And his start-up cost was RM 500. He never stopped there: Irfan Khairi was a guest on Selamat Pagi Malaysia (TV1) and was featured on several local newspapers. He aligned himself with other strong players like Azizi Ali (the no. 1 financial speaker in Malaysia) and wrote a book titled "Rahsia Jutawan-Jutawan Internet terbongkar". His latest venture is the Internet Millionaire's Playshop - an educational workshop where he gives participants an insight of his unique business techniques.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
How to ID a scam
"But they said I would be rich! What happened?"
By Derek Gehl
You've heard the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
Well, if you follow this principle when deciding how you'll make money on the Internet, you could save yourself a significant amount of grief in the future.
It seems like every day there's a new "get rich quick" scam popping up on the Internet promising, "If you have a pulse you will be rich before you know it!!!"
Unfortunately, the only ones who ever make a penny are the scammers! And they'll be gone long before you ever figure that out.
At every seminar we hold, we meet smart people who were duped by scammers like this -- and in many cases, taken for a small fortune. These are great people who have a genuine desire to succeed. They simply made one bad decision. Now they'll be paying for it, for months or even years.
So what's the best way to fight these scammers? The answer is simple: EDUCATION.
Today I'm going to educate you on how to filter the REAL money-making opportunities from all the B.S. out there, with my "Scam Detector Check List"!
Whenever you come across a possible business opportunity, simply consult this handy checklist. It'll help you discover if it really is a genuine opportunity -- or a genuine waste of money.
1. If they can't prove a successful track record -- it might be a scam
If you've never heard of them before -- and they can't offer solid proof they've got a successful track record -- then how can you trust them to help YOU make money?Be skeptical. Ask questions. Search for the URL in Google... are they listed? If you can't find any positive consumer reviews about them -- or if the only reviews you find are negative -- you should definitely think twice about doing business with them.
2. If they can't show you legitimate testimonials -- it might be a scam
If you are making a significant investment in a business opportunity, the company you are purchasing from should be willing to put you in contact with other successful students. We get this request all of the time, and have numerous successful students who are happy to give us a personal reference at a moment's notice.To take a look at how we use those testimonials on our salesletters, please visit:
As you'll see, we provide names, photographs, and URLs for every testimonial we use, so you can easily see that they're all coming from real people. In fact, we even use video testimonials on our sites. What better way to confirm testimonials are real than to get them straight from the source -- and watch people actually say them in their own words?
3. If they give you a product to sell, as well as the web site to sell it -- it might be a scam
If someone's offering to give you a product to sell, AND the website to sell it on, beware! Chances are hundreds -- if not thousands -- of other people are selling the exact same product with the exact same website. With so much competition, only a small percentage of sellers will ever make any money.That's why at IMC, we're so adamant about teaching our students how to find their own niche market and develop or find their own products to sell. It's the philosophy our entire training system is founded on.I truly believe niche marketing is the only GUARANTEED way to start a successful business on the Internet. Not using the same website to sell the exact same product that thousands of other people are selling!
4. If the company is charging you money to sell their products -- it might be a scam
If a company says you can sell their product and they will pay you a commission from each sale -- but you need to pay them for the opportunity to do so -- chances are it's a scam.The truth is, companies like this KNOW their "affiliates" aren't going to generate any sales. That's why they need to get your money up front!Take it from someone who's run a highly successful affiliate program for years. If someone wants to become an IMC affiliate and sell my products for me, I'd never make them pay! Why should they? They're doing me a favor!
5. If you cannot talk to them in person -- it might be a scam
Before you make a significant investment in a business opportunity, give the vendors a call. Talk to them in person. Ask them hard questions. If you cannot talk to them in person then don't do business with them!And finally, use common sense. If you apply the points above and ask lots of questions, chances are you will make the right decisions and pursue the right opportunities.Just remember: When it comes to online success, there is no magic pill. If you want to start a real business on the Internet you need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to get there.I can give you all of the strategies you need to make that happen. And I can break them down into easy-to-follow instructions.
But the rest is up to you!
By Derek Gehl
You've heard the saying, "If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is."
Well, if you follow this principle when deciding how you'll make money on the Internet, you could save yourself a significant amount of grief in the future.
It seems like every day there's a new "get rich quick" scam popping up on the Internet promising, "If you have a pulse you will be rich before you know it!!!"
Unfortunately, the only ones who ever make a penny are the scammers! And they'll be gone long before you ever figure that out.
At every seminar we hold, we meet smart people who were duped by scammers like this -- and in many cases, taken for a small fortune. These are great people who have a genuine desire to succeed. They simply made one bad decision. Now they'll be paying for it, for months or even years.
So what's the best way to fight these scammers? The answer is simple: EDUCATION.
Today I'm going to educate you on how to filter the REAL money-making opportunities from all the B.S. out there, with my "Scam Detector Check List"!
Whenever you come across a possible business opportunity, simply consult this handy checklist. It'll help you discover if it really is a genuine opportunity -- or a genuine waste of money.
1. If they can't prove a successful track record -- it might be a scam
If you've never heard of them before -- and they can't offer solid proof they've got a successful track record -- then how can you trust them to help YOU make money?Be skeptical. Ask questions. Search for the URL in Google... are they listed? If you can't find any positive consumer reviews about them -- or if the only reviews you find are negative -- you should definitely think twice about doing business with them.
2. If they can't show you legitimate testimonials -- it might be a scam
If you are making a significant investment in a business opportunity, the company you are purchasing from should be willing to put you in contact with other successful students. We get this request all of the time, and have numerous successful students who are happy to give us a personal reference at a moment's notice.To take a look at how we use those testimonials on our salesletters, please visit:
As you'll see, we provide names, photographs, and URLs for every testimonial we use, so you can easily see that they're all coming from real people. In fact, we even use video testimonials on our sites. What better way to confirm testimonials are real than to get them straight from the source -- and watch people actually say them in their own words?
3. If they give you a product to sell, as well as the web site to sell it -- it might be a scam
If someone's offering to give you a product to sell, AND the website to sell it on, beware! Chances are hundreds -- if not thousands -- of other people are selling the exact same product with the exact same website. With so much competition, only a small percentage of sellers will ever make any money.That's why at IMC, we're so adamant about teaching our students how to find their own niche market and develop or find their own products to sell. It's the philosophy our entire training system is founded on.I truly believe niche marketing is the only GUARANTEED way to start a successful business on the Internet. Not using the same website to sell the exact same product that thousands of other people are selling!
4. If the company is charging you money to sell their products -- it might be a scam
If a company says you can sell their product and they will pay you a commission from each sale -- but you need to pay them for the opportunity to do so -- chances are it's a scam.The truth is, companies like this KNOW their "affiliates" aren't going to generate any sales. That's why they need to get your money up front!Take it from someone who's run a highly successful affiliate program for years. If someone wants to become an IMC affiliate and sell my products for me, I'd never make them pay! Why should they? They're doing me a favor!
5. If you cannot talk to them in person -- it might be a scam
Before you make a significant investment in a business opportunity, give the vendors a call. Talk to them in person. Ask them hard questions. If you cannot talk to them in person then don't do business with them!And finally, use common sense. If you apply the points above and ask lots of questions, chances are you will make the right decisions and pursue the right opportunities.Just remember: When it comes to online success, there is no magic pill. If you want to start a real business on the Internet you need to be prepared to put in the time and effort to get there.I can give you all of the strategies you need to make that happen. And I can break them down into easy-to-follow instructions.
But the rest is up to you!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Kuala Lumpur Graphic - KLG 07 Competition
Design a single web-page which you feel would make a good e-commerce homepage. You will submit in flat graphical form, HTML is not required. Your page can be based on any company, real or imagined.
What the Judges Expect:
- A page which is visually creative
- A functional page which makes e-commerce easy
- An accessible design for partially sighted or blind
Entries and Deadlines
All entries must be submitted by the 30th June 2007
There is a total of exactly RM2,220.00 in prize money to be awarded.
- 1st prize wins RM2000
- 2nd prize wins RM 200
- Third prize RM 20
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Efficient Hosting Plan - Per Year RM100
To mark the official launching of, they are to offer domain name at promotional price. You can get your own domain name at RM 26. This promotion is valid till 31 May 2007.
Join our affiliate program and enjoy our long term commission.
 provides high quality, top notch ecommerce solutions at prices anyone can afford. You could be assured of working with EcommerceMastery is a hassle free, win-win relationship that could explode your profits.
Join our affiliate program and enjoy our long term commission.
 provides high quality, top notch ecommerce solutions at prices anyone can afford. You could be assured of working with EcommerceMastery is a hassle free, win-win relationship that could explode your profits.
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Friday, May 18, 2007
50 Tips On Getting More Traffic To Your Website
I just posted this to my blog, but also thought someone here might find it helpful. This obviously isn’t all inclusive (after 50 it was time to stop) and I didn’t include some methods I don’t really care for like FFA sites and safelists… so please feel free to add to it if you like:
1. Write and submit articles to the article directories.
2. Leave comments on other people’s blogs with a backlink to your site.
3. Answer people’s questions on
4. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.
5. Write a press release and submit it to
6. Advertise your website in the appropriate category on
7. Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that you have used in exchange for a backlink to your site.
8. Start a blog and submit it to the 100’s of free blog directories.
9. Manually submit your website to the major search engines.
10. Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.
11. Add a link in your email signature to your website. It’s a free and easy way to get a little more traffic.
12. Make a custom 404 error page for your website redirecting people to your home page.
13. Use PPC search engine advertising.14. Add a “bookmark this site” link to your webpages.
15. Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.
16. Send articles to ezine publishers that includes a link to your website.
17. Hold a crazy content and make it go viral.
18. Give away a freebie (ebook, report, e-course) to keep people coming back to your site.
19. Add an RSS feed to your blog.
20. Submit your site to any related niche directories on the net.
21. Participate in a banner or link exchange program.
22. Create a software program and give it away for free.
23. Purchase the misspellings or variations of your domain name, or those of your competitors.
24. Buy a domain name related to your niche that is already receiving traffic and forward it to your site.
25. Pass out business cards with your domain on them everywhere you go.
26. Start and affiliate program and let your affiliates send you visitors.
27. Start a page on social bookmarking sites such as
28. Submit a viral video to
29. Conduct and publish surveys to your website.
30. Find joint venture partners that will send you traffic.
31. Start your own newsletter or ezine.
32. Use a autoresponder or email campaign to keep people coming back to your site.
33. Purchase ads on other sites.
34. Send a free copy of your product to other site owners in exchange for a product review.
35. Sell or place classified ads on with a link to your site.
36. Post free classified ads on any of the sites that allow them with a link to your site.
37. Exchange reciprocal links with other related websites.
38. Network with other people at seminars or other live events.
39. Purchase advertising in popular newsletters or ezines.
40. Advertise on other product’s “thank you” pages.
41. Create a free ebook and list in on the “free ebook” sites.
42. Buy and use a memorable domain name.43. Do something controversial.
44. Create an Amazon profile and submit reviews for books and other products that you have read.
45. Start a lens on
46. Use a traffic exchange (low quality traffic, but can sometimes be worthwhile).
47. Get referrals form similar but non-competing sites.
48. Create and sell a product with resell or giveaway rights and include a link to your site in it o others pass it around for you.
49. Email your list. If you don’t have one, get one.
50. Buy a pair of sandals; get your website engraved on the bottom and walk on the beach, stomp in the mud or play in the snow.
1. Write and submit articles to the article directories.
2. Leave comments on other people’s blogs with a backlink to your site.
3. Answer people’s questions on
4. Post in forums and have a link to your site in your signature.
5. Write a press release and submit it to
6. Advertise your website in the appropriate category on
7. Give an unbiased testimonial on a product/service that you have used in exchange for a backlink to your site.
8. Start a blog and submit it to the 100’s of free blog directories.
9. Manually submit your website to the major search engines.
10. Optimize each page of your website for a particular keyword or search phrase.
11. Add a link in your email signature to your website. It’s a free and easy way to get a little more traffic.
12. Make a custom 404 error page for your website redirecting people to your home page.
13. Use PPC search engine advertising.14. Add a “bookmark this site” link to your webpages.
15. Have a tell-a-friend form on your site.
16. Send articles to ezine publishers that includes a link to your website.
17. Hold a crazy content and make it go viral.
18. Give away a freebie (ebook, report, e-course) to keep people coming back to your site.
19. Add an RSS feed to your blog.
20. Submit your site to any related niche directories on the net.
21. Participate in a banner or link exchange program.
22. Create a software program and give it away for free.
23. Purchase the misspellings or variations of your domain name, or those of your competitors.
24. Buy a domain name related to your niche that is already receiving traffic and forward it to your site.
25. Pass out business cards with your domain on them everywhere you go.
26. Start and affiliate program and let your affiliates send you visitors.
27. Start a page on social bookmarking sites such as
28. Submit a viral video to
29. Conduct and publish surveys to your website.
30. Find joint venture partners that will send you traffic.
31. Start your own newsletter or ezine.
32. Use a autoresponder or email campaign to keep people coming back to your site.
33. Purchase ads on other sites.
34. Send a free copy of your product to other site owners in exchange for a product review.
35. Sell or place classified ads on with a link to your site.
36. Post free classified ads on any of the sites that allow them with a link to your site.
37. Exchange reciprocal links with other related websites.
38. Network with other people at seminars or other live events.
39. Purchase advertising in popular newsletters or ezines.
40. Advertise on other product’s “thank you” pages.
41. Create a free ebook and list in on the “free ebook” sites.
42. Buy and use a memorable domain name.43. Do something controversial.
44. Create an Amazon profile and submit reviews for books and other products that you have read.
45. Start a lens on
46. Use a traffic exchange (low quality traffic, but can sometimes be worthwhile).
47. Get referrals form similar but non-competing sites.
48. Create and sell a product with resell or giveaway rights and include a link to your site in it o others pass it around for you.
49. Email your list. If you don’t have one, get one.
50. Buy a pair of sandals; get your website engraved on the bottom and walk on the beach, stomp in the mud or play in the snow.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The Carnival
:: The Carnival ::
The Kedah Information and Communication Technology(ICT) Carnival 2007 is the first of its kind to be held in Kedah.
The Kedah Information and Communication Technology(ICT) Carnival 2007 is the first of its kind to be held in Kedah.
It will be hosted by two major cities :OPENING - June 1st - June 3rd, Sungai Petani CLOSING - June 8st - June 10th, Alor Star
Kedah ICT Carnival will be an annual event organised by Kedah State Government.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Change Link To Get More Traffic And High Rank is a blog that helps you start your own Internet home business. If you review his blog, he’ll link back to you and send you a ton of traffic.
Monday, May 14, 2007
Secret of Spam Email
Step by step how you can make used of spam email that you received every day for your product and services marketing and advertising using your free email account.
CLICK Link Below:
CLICK Link Below:
Monday, April 16, 2007
Smarter Internet Marketing. Work less, Think more.
Brad Fallon is the CEO of Free IQ, the new marketplace for ideas, and Smart Marketing, Inc. which includes a network of wholesale and retail e-commerce businesses.
Beginning with a $2,000 start-up investment for My Wedding Favors in January, 2004, Brad's online businesses grew from $1.2 million in first year revenue to $7.8 million in 2005.
"Brad introduces you to specific thoughts about leveraging your strengths, improving the way you think and increasing the amount of money you make. He details the entire Free IQ system, including affiliates, content and e-commerce. And remember, the more you give the more you get. Enjoy."
CLICK Link Below:
Beginning with a $2,000 start-up investment for My Wedding Favors in January, 2004, Brad's online businesses grew from $1.2 million in first year revenue to $7.8 million in 2005.
"Brad introduces you to specific thoughts about leveraging your strengths, improving the way you think and increasing the amount of money you make. He details the entire Free IQ system, including affiliates, content and e-commerce. And remember, the more you give the more you get. Enjoy."
CLICK Link Below:
Promosi Dan Pemasaran Secara Global
Langkah penting bagi memaksimakan promosi dan pemasaran secara global adalah dengan mengadakan usaha sama dengan rakan niaga di serata dunia.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Mengapa Promosi Guna Blog Anda Gagal?
Salah satu cara untuk mempromosi produk dan perkhidmatan anda adalah menggunakan blog. Kebiasaannya blog digunakan untuk memberi maklumat dan pendapat tentang sesuatu topik.
Pilih topik yang anda rasa bersesuaian dengan produk atau perkhidmatan yang anda ingin promosikan. Anda tidak boleh terus mempromosi tanpa terlebih dahulu menarik minat pembaca tentang topik yang anda ingin sampaikan.
Pembaca blog tidak akan datang secara berterusan sekiranya anda hanya ingin mempromosi produk dan perkhidmatan anda semata-mata. Anda mesti 'educate' pembaca secara halus dengan topic yang berkaitan dengan produk atau perkhidmatan anda.
Setelah anda rasa ramai pembaca datang ke blog anda serta memberi komen tentang topik yang anda sampaikan, barulah anda sedikit demi sedikit menyelitkan produk/perkhidmatan yang anda ingin promosikan.
Pilih topik yang anda rasa bersesuaian dengan produk atau perkhidmatan yang anda ingin promosikan. Anda tidak boleh terus mempromosi tanpa terlebih dahulu menarik minat pembaca tentang topik yang anda ingin sampaikan.
Pembaca blog tidak akan datang secara berterusan sekiranya anda hanya ingin mempromosi produk dan perkhidmatan anda semata-mata. Anda mesti 'educate' pembaca secara halus dengan topic yang berkaitan dengan produk atau perkhidmatan anda.
Setelah anda rasa ramai pembaca datang ke blog anda serta memberi komen tentang topik yang anda sampaikan, barulah anda sedikit demi sedikit menyelitkan produk/perkhidmatan yang anda ingin promosikan.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Apakah Halangan Mempromosi Perniagaan Di Internet?
Dalam menjalankan perniagaan di internet, anda akan menghadapi berbagai halangan. Tetapi jangan anggap halangan itu sesuatu yang mustahil untuk kita atasi atau tangani. Setiap halangan itu ada cara untuk mengatasinya dan lama-kelamaan anda akan jumpa jalannya. Percayalah selepas itu perjalanan anda akan menjadi lebih mudah, 'insyaalah'.
Seperti permainan di bawah, cuba anda atasi segala rintangan yang ada sebagai latihan minda untuk menguatkan lagi semangat anda. "Selamat Mencuba"
Seperti permainan di bawah, cuba anda atasi segala rintangan yang ada sebagai latihan minda untuk menguatkan lagi semangat anda. "Selamat Mencuba"
![]() Twiddlestix Navigate your way safely through the waterways! |
Play this free game now!! |
Bagaimana Untuk Mengetahui Cara Promosi Yang Tepat
![]() Bullseye Can you get from 501 to 0 in the fastest possible time? |
Play this free game now!! |
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Promosi Guna Mereka Yang Hebat Dan Berjaya
Satu cara yang efektif mempromosikan produk dan perkhidmatan anda di internet. Cuba baca artikel di bawah dan anda akan faham apa yang dimaksudkan "Promosi Guna Mereka Yang Hebat Dan Berjaya"
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